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Brown dog tick

Dermacentor variabilis


Both males and females have eight legs and are typically brown to reddish-brown silver-gray markings on their scutum (back plate).




Engorged Female

Approximate Distribution

The brown dog tick is It’s more commonly found in warmer climates, but it can be found worldwide and is considered the most widespread tick species in the world.18  


As the name suggests, dogs are this tick’s preferred host. Larvae, nymphs, and adults prefer to feed on dogs but also feed on other small mammals.19


The brown dog tick is notable because it’s one of the few ticks that can complete its entire life cycle indoors as long as a host (usually a dog) is present. Infestations can develop in residences and dog kennels.18

Diseases associated with Rhipicephalus sanguineus20, 22


18. Featured Creatures: Brown Dog Tick. University of Florida. https://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/urban/medical/brown_dog_tick.htm
19. Geographic Distribution and Seasonality of Brown Dog Tick Lineages in the United States. Journal of Medical Entomology.  https://academic.oup.com/jme/article/60/1/102/6808325
20. Ticks. Companion Animal Parasite Council. https://capcvet.org/guidelines/ticks/
22. Detection of Cercopithifilaria bainae infection in shelter dogs and ticks in Oklahoma, USA. Biomed Central.  https://parasitesandvectors.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13071-020-04089-z