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Whether it’s preventative care, management of a chronic condition, or treatment of illness or injury, managing your pet’s health is one of the most important parts of pet ownership.

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September is dog tick season

The weather is beautiful, fall is just around the corner … and it’s peak season for ticks.

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September is dog tick season

Need help finding pet care solutions?

We’ve got products to help address common pet concerns, from parasite control to pet microchipping.

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Fleas and ticks: is my pet at risk?
Fleas and ticks

Fleas and ticks: is my pet at risk?

Anytime your pet goes out into the world, she’s being exposed to the opportunity for parasites to hop aboard

Five signs of Lyme disease
Fleas and ticks

Five signs of Lyme disease

Lyme disease has been found in every state, and dogs, with their love of the outdoors, are a prime target

Eye problems in cats and dogs
Health issues

Eye problems in cats and dogs

Learn the signs of eye inflammation in your pet and what might be causing it.

Checking for and removing ticks
Fleas and ticks

Checking for and removing ticks

There’s a right way to remove a tick from your pet.

Breaking the flea life cycle
Fleas and ticks

Breaking the flea life cycle

Keep your pet and your home flea-free by treating your pets and targeting places where fleas like to hide.

The problem with fleas
Fleas and ticks

The problem with fleas

These small pests can cause big hassles for you and your pets.